This year's conference explored how a Froebelian approach is crucial to improving babies' and young children's experiences in early education. First session features presentations from Helen Adams, Emma Short, Sarah Porter, Nadia Bryaj, Judith Ish-Horowicz & Fengling Tang. Recorded March 2023.

Recorded 4 March 2023

The conference sessions feature speakers who are leading Froebel Trust funded projects in their nursery schools and settings, alongside researchers reporting on their current projects and the implications of their work for early years practice and policy now.

The online conference was held on 4 March 2023.

Session 1: Connect & Nurture
Chair: Sandra El Gemayel

  • How can we re-connect with families and communities in our schools and settings as we emerge from the pandemic?
  • How can we make sure every child and their family are listened to, valued and welcomed?


Helen Adams & Emma Short are two maintained nursery school leaders from Cornwall. They'll be sharing their experience of using Froebelian principles to develop parents’ confidence in supporting their child’s learning.

Sarah Porter & Nadia Bryaj lead a maintained nursery in Newham, London and they'll be telling the story about how their school garden has helped children to re-connect with nature and the wider school community after pandemic lockdowns.

Judith Ish-Horowicz & Fengling Tang will be exploring what role nurturing young children’s spiritual development could play in our recovery from the effects of a global pandemic.

Conference Session 2

Challenge - with Simon Bateson, Susana Castro-Kemp and more

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Helen Adams & Emma Short

Nadia Bryaj

Sandra El Gemayel

Judith Ish-Horowicz MBE

Sarah Porter

Dr Fengling Tang